For Chicago Rabbinical Currents Volume 1, click->Here<- Volume 2 | Issue 1 Teves 5785 Compromise in Beis Din – Lose-Lose or Win Win? – By Rabbi Aaron Kraft Cheese and Fries – By Rabbi Dovid Cohen
For more than two decades, the Chicago Rabbinical Council has sponsored an annual essay contest open to seniors in local high schools and yeshivot who plan to continue their Torah studies during the following year in Israel. For many years the contest was sponsored through the generosity of our Chaver Rabbi Harold Karp, z”l. In…
From the Dayan’s Desk.
Weekly Shiur for Men
Rabbi Reiss
Congregation K.I.N.S.
2800 W. North Shore Avenue
March 11 – End of Life Treatment
March 18 – Nezikin Claims for Purim Revelry
March 25 – Zoning Violations and Halacha
cRc Torah Achievement Award Mazal Tov to this year’s winners of the cRc Torah Achievement Award. The award is given to a senior in each high school who will be studying in Israel during the 5785 school year and displays dedication to Torah and to the maintenance of high Middot standards. Eitan Frankenthal (Fasman Yeshiva…
From the Dayan’s Desk.
Weekly Shiur for Men
Rabbi Reiss
Congregation K.I.N.S.
2800 W. North Shore Avenue
March 11 – End of Life Treatment
March 18 – Nezikin Claims for Purim Revelry
March 25 – Zoning Violations and Halacha
For more than two decades, the Chicago Rabbinical Council has sponsored an annual essay contest open to seniors in local high schools and yeshivot who plan to continue their Torah studies during the following year in Israel. For many years the contest was sponsored through the generosity of our Chaver Rabbi Harold Karp, z”l. In…
cRc Chanukah Divrei Torah 5784 Articles include: Lighting the Fire – Rabbi Yona Reiss Pirsumei Nisa – Rabbi Micah Greenland Chanukah and Jewish Survival – Rabbi Netanel Isaacs Ner Chanukah and Shalom – Rabbi Chaim Twerski
Rabbi Abramson Chizuk Mission in Israel – Day 1 Even before take-off the trip was filled with chizUk and unity. After davening maariv at Logan Airport with about 20 men a secular Israeli woman approached me and requested a prayer for her brother who is on the front lines. Instead of saying just one prayer I…