cRc Beth Din

Divrei Torah for Shavuos 5784

cRc Shavuos Divrei Torah 5784 Articles include: Eating a Dairy Meal on Shavuos  – by Rabbi Yona Reiss How the Torah was Given – by Rabbi Eitan Allen Understanding the Dual Nature of Observing Shavuos – by Rabbi Ari Marinelli What in the World are We Thinking… When We Learn Torah – By Rabbi Yosef…

The Rebbetzin Shoshana Schwartz, a”h, Chicago Rabbinical Council Torah Research Project 5784

For more than two decades, the Chicago Rabbinical Council has sponsored an annual essay contest open to seniors in local high schools and yeshivot who plan to continue their Torah studies during the following year in Israel. For many years the contest was sponsored through the generosity of our Chaver Rabbi Harold Karp, z”l. In…

Chicago Rabbinical Currents

Volume 1 | Issue 5  Tammuz 5784 Conversion for the Sake of Marriage – By Rabbi Aaron Kraft Making the Cut – A Peek Inside the Shechitah Process – By Rabbi Dovid Cohen Volume 1 | Issue 4  Sivan 5784 The Halakhic Prenuptial Agreement – By Rav Yona Reiss Fats and Oils – By Rabbi Dovid Cohen…

Rabbi Yona Reiss at Yarchei Kallah – Mikor Hachaim

  Listen to Rav Yona Reiss’s shiur here:

HF Hebrew Academy Visits the cRc

Rabbi Kraft and Rabbi Moscowitz spoke with students from HF Hebrew Academy from Missouri.

cRc Shavuos Divrei Torah 5783

                Shavuos Divrei Torah 5783

Pesach Divrei Torah 5783

cRc Pesach Divrei Torah 5783                   This cRc publication contains Divrei Torah from: – Harav Yona Reiss: Short Haggadah Insights. – Rabbi Eitan M. Allen: The One Not at the Seder. – Rabbi Menachem Linzer: The Deeper Meaning Behind Heseiba at the Seder – Rabbi Yehuda Meyers:…

Purim 5783

cRc Purim Divrei Torah 5783                   This cRc publication contains Divrei Torah from: Harav Yona Reiss: Don’t Give Up Hope. Rabbi Yosef Posner: Feel Free to Act Free Freely.  

Divrei Torah Chanukah-5783

Divrei-Torah-Chanukah-5783                 This cRc publication contains Divrei Torah from: Harav Yona Reiss: My Chanukah Rabbi Elisha Prero: The Chanukah Miracle: Is it the Oil, the Victory or Both?

Sapprim #34

Click HERE to enjoy the latest issue of Sappirim. The entire series can be found at This issue includes: Sukkah Standards Chol Hamoed Sukkos After Shemittah Arab Minim Section