cRc Beth Din

Shemittah Newsletter #11

Issue #11 includes: Using Shemittah Produce – By Rabbi Dovid Cohen Shemittah on a Leap Year – By Rabbi Aaron Kraft     Shemitta Newsletter Vol # 11

Congratulations to the Winners of The Rebbetzin Shoshana Schwartz, ע”ה, Torah Essay Contest

The cRc wishes Mazal Tov to this year’s winners of the Rebbetzin Shoshana Schwartz, a”h, Torah Essay Contest: Donny Friedman (Fasman Yeshiva High School), winner of the Maintaining Halacha Through the Pandemic category (Read The Essay), and Amitai Kakon (Ida Crown Jewish Academy), winner of the TaNaCH category (Read the Essay). Mazal Tov also to:…

Shemittah Newsletter #10

Issue #10 included Kedushas Shevi’is, Hefker, and Biur by Rabbi Dovid Cohen Supporting the Farmers by Rabbi Yisroel Langer cRc Shemitta Newsletter volume #10

cRc Shemittah Newsletter #7

Issue #7 includes: Three Leniencies of Chazon Ish by Rabbi Dovid Cohen Mishloach Manos with Kedushas Shevi’is Products by Rabbi Aaron Kraft cRc Shemittah Newsletter vol 7 for web

cRc Shemitta Newsletter #6

Issue #6 includes: Sefichin, a Shemittah Leap Year, and Support by Rabbi Dovid Cohen Flowers in Shemittah by Rabbi Yisroel Langer cRc Shemitta Newsletter vol 6  

Link to Rabbi Reiss’ Shiur at Yeshiva University – Contemporary Issues in Food Hashgacha

Click HERE for the link to Rabbi Reiss’ shiur on Contemporary Issues in Food Hashgacha  Please see Attached Source Sheet

cRc Shemittah Series 5782

We are proud to announce a new monthly Shemittah Newsletter Each issue will feature a column from Rabbi Dovid Cohen, cRc Administrative Rabbinic Coordinator, and author of Shemittah, as part of his Kashrus Halacha series, as well as a column from one of the cRc Dayanim. Here are the links to the cRc Shemittah newsletters included…

Eating in the Rain – Guidelines for Contending with Rainfall on the First and Second Nights of Sukkot 5782

Eating in the Rain – Guidelines for Contending with Rainfall on the First and Second Nights of Sukkot 5782 By Rav Yona Reiss, Av Beis Din, cRc Generally, there is no obligation to eat in the Sukkah when it rains to the degree that the soup would get ruined. This is based on the exemption…

Police Safety Program

The Chicago Police Department 24th District PLACE OF WORSHIP SAFETY ADVISORY TEAM (POWSAT) is available to consult on safety recommendations, and assistance in forming and training your shul security team. CPD Places of Worship Safety Advisory Program For more information, see the attached, and contact Officer Roger Heath # 15011 [email protected]       1 312-384-0189 Officer Michael Specht…