Conversion Curriculum
Chicago Rabbinical Council’s Conversion Curriculum
The following should be completed prior to the first meeting with the cRc:
Title | Author |
The Radiance of Shabbos | Rabbi Simcha Bunim Cohen |
Crash Course in Jewish History | Rabbi Berel Wein (Audio) |
The Book of Our Heritage (3 vol. set) (Read the sections relevant to the upcoming holidays) |
Rabbi Eliyahu Ki Tov |
To Be a Jew: A Guide to Jewish Observance In Contemporary Life | Rabbi Hayim H. Donin |
The Daily Rituals | Rabbi Hertzel Hillel Yitzhak |
The following should be completed prior to the second meeting with the cRc:
Title | Author |
The Kosher Kitchen | Rabbi Binyomin Forst |
The Shabbos Kitchen | Rabbi Simcha Bunim Cohen |
Halichos Bas Yisrael (for women only) | Rabbi Yitzchak Yaakov Fuchs |
Maimonides Principle: Fundamentals of Jewish Faith | Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan |
The Book of Our Heritage (3 vol. set) (Read the sections relevant to the upcoming holidays) |
Rabbi Eliyahu Ki Tov |
The following should be completed prior to the third meeting with the cRc:
Title | Author |
Laws of Brachos | Rabbi Binyomin Forst |
The Shabbos Home (vol. 1) | Rabbi Simcha Bunim Cohen |
The Shabbos Home (vol. 2) | Rabbi Simcha Bunim Cohen |
A Woman’s Guide to the Laws of Niddah (For married or soon to be married women)* |
Rabbi Binyomin Forst |
The Book of Our Heritage (3 vol. set) (Read the sections relevant to the upcoming holidays) | Rabbi Eliyahu Ki Tov |
The Committed Life | Esther Jungreis |
* Please note that this book does not replace the face to face classes a prospective bride and groom are required to have with their respective teachers, prior to getting married. For a wonderful 3 part lecture series on the laws of modesty, please see lecture titled: “Modesty Shmodesty! Who cares as long as I look good!” by Kochava Yitzhak on Youtube.