cRc Beth Din

From The Dayan’s Desk Series – September 2024 schedule

From the Dayan’s Desk.
Weekly Shiur for Men
Rabbi Reiss
Congregation K.I.N.S.
2800 W. North Shore Avenue
March 11 – End of Life Treatment
March 18 – Nezikin Claims for Purim Revelry
March 25 –  Zoning Violations and Halacha

Sefer Kavod Chachamim Articles

Article by Rabbi Reiss in Kavod Chachamim – היתר עגונות בעקבי הפיגוע במגדלי התאומים בארה’ב Article by Rabbi Langer in Kavod Chachamim – בענין הזכרת מעין המאורע בבהמ’ז 

Divrei Torah for Shavuos 5784

cRc Shavuos Divrei Torah 5784 Articles include: Eating a Dairy Meal on Shavuos  – by Rabbi Yona Reiss How the Torah was Given – by Rabbi Eitan Allen Understanding the Dual Nature of Observing Shavuos – by Rabbi Ari Marinelli What in the World are We Thinking… When We Learn Torah – By Rabbi Yosef…

Divrei Torah for Pesach 5784

cRc Pesach Divrei Torah 5784 Articles include: “Dayenu”: Exclamation or Exhortation?  – by Rabbi Yona Reiss The Winning Strategy – by Rabbi Joel Gutstein Concealing the Afikoman – by Rabbi Aron Wolf

cRc Members Pre-Pesach Meeting April 2024

Listen to the Meeting: Here
Open Source Sheets: Here

From The Dayan’s Desk Series – March schedule

From the Dayan’s Desk.
Weekly Shiur for Men
Rabbi Reiss
Congregation K.I.N.S.
2800 W. North Shore Avenue
March 11 – End of Life Treatment
March 18 – Nezikin Claims for Purim Revelry
March 25 –  Zoning Violations and Halacha

Read Rabbi Reiss’ Review of Rabbi Schachter’s new sefer

Click HERE to read Rabbi Reiss’ review of Rabbi Hershel Schachter’s new sefer Divrei Soferim: The Transmission of Torah Shebe’al Peh on Tradition Online    

From the Dayan’s Desk

February 2024 From the Dayans Desk flyer Feb 2024      

Videos from Rabbi Raccah’s Chizuk Visits to Israel at War 2023

In November and December 2023, cRc Dayan, Rabbi Raccah visited Israel on Chizuk Missions. His visits included the IDF troops, ZAKA and the Border Guard. He went to Tekuma and  October 7th Massacre sites such as Kibbutz Bieri, Aza, and the Nova festival site . He went to the National Center for Forensics, to families…