Rabbi Reiss spoke to students at Sinai Scholars of Chabad of Northwestern University.
Rabbi Reiss and Rabbi Moscowitz spoke to the 5th Grade boys from Cheder Lubavitch.
Audio Recording of Members Meeting: Hilchos Succos Part 1 By Rav Yona Reiss Hilchos Succos Part 2 by Rav Yona Reiss סוכות תשפד-מראה-מקומות
Audio Recording of Members Meeting: ראש-השנה-שחל-להיות-בשבת-מראה-מקומות
Yahrtzeit Shiur L’iluy nishmas Rabbi Reiss’ father, Mr. Harry Reiss Z”L. Delivered August 6, 2023 at Yeshiva University in Israel. View the Yartzeit Shiur Here! Download the Mareh Mekomos for the Yartzeit Shiur Here!
For Parshat Mishpatim, Rabbi Reiss and Rabbi Kraft spoke at YU Torah MiTzion Parsha and Pizza Groups at the JCC and at Or Torah. The Dayanim shared with the students how the Mitzvot in the Parsha are applied in Beth Din.
We thank the Rabbis who served on the board for the past 3 years and welcome the new board members. Mazal Tov to our new board: Thank you to those who attended the Melava Malka this past Motzaei Shabbos. We thank the Rabbis who served on the board for the past 3 years and welcome…
Divrei-Torah-Chanukah-5783 This cRc publication contains Divrei Torah from: Harav Yona Reiss: My Chanukah Rabbi Elisha Prero: The Chanukah Miracle: Is it the Oil, the Victory or Both?