For Chicago Rabbinical Currents Volume 1, click->Here<- Volume 2 | Issue 1 Teves 5785 Compromise in Beis Din – Lose-Lose or Win Win? – By Rabbi Aaron Kraft Cheese and Fries – By Rabbi Dovid Cohen
For more than two decades, the Chicago Rabbinical Council has sponsored an annual essay contest open to seniors in local high schools and yeshivot who plan to continue their Torah studies during the following year in Israel. For many years the contest was sponsored through the generosity of our Chaver Rabbi Harold Karp, z”l. In…
cRc Divrei Torah – Chanukah 5785 Contents: Light and Darkness – Rav Yona Reiss Should the Branches of the Menorah Be Round or Straight? – Rabbi Yochanan Posner Hashem Loves the Righteous – Rabbi Yehuda Tzvi Garsek Shalom Bayit: Chanukah’s Rival or Chanukah’s Goal? – Rabbi Noach Goldstein
cRc Torah Achievement Award Mazal Tov to this year’s winners of the cRc Torah Achievement Award. The award is given to a senior in each high school who will be studying in Israel during the 5785 school year and displays dedication to Torah and to the maintenance of high Middot standards. Eitan Frankenthal (Fasman Yeshiva…
cRc Shavuos Divrei Torah 5784 Articles include: Eating a Dairy Meal on Shavuos – by Rabbi Yona Reiss How the Torah was Given – by Rabbi Eitan Allen Understanding the Dual Nature of Observing Shavuos – by Rabbi Ari Marinelli What in the World are We Thinking… When We Learn Torah – By Rabbi Yosef…
cRc Pesach Divrei Torah 5784 Articles include: “Dayenu”: Exclamation or Exhortation? – by Rabbi Yona Reiss The Winning Strategy – by Rabbi Joel Gutstein Concealing the Afikoman – by Rabbi Aron Wolf
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Click HERE to read Rabbi Reiss’ review of Rabbi Hershel Schachter’s new sefer Divrei Soferim: The Transmission of Torah Shebe’al Peh on Tradition Online