cRc Beth Din

Rabbi Reiss joins in opposing the proposed Israeli conversion reforms  

Rabbi Reiss joins in opposing the proposed Israeli conversion reforms   Over 100 Rabbis sign against the conversion outline. See link below.פרסום-ראשון-מעל-מאה-רבנים-נגד-מתווה-הגי/

Link to Rabbi Reiss’ Shiur at Yeshiva University – Contemporary Issues in Food Hashgacha

Click HERE for the link to Rabbi Reiss’ shiur on Contemporary Issues in Food Hashgacha  Please see Attached Source Sheet

cRc Thanks The IIPB for action against Unilever

The cRc sent the attached letter to The Illinois Investment Policy Board thanking them for their action against Unilever, due to its recent boycott of Israel.   IIPB Letter

JUF Sympathy Note – Harav Gedalia Dov Schwartz ZT”L

JUF Sympathy Note – Rav Schwartz 2020

cRc Shemittah Newsletter #4

Shgemittah Newsletter #4 This issue includes: Melachos D’oraisah by Rabbi Dovid Cohen Rav Ovadia Yosef’s Heter Mechira Esponsum: Part 1 by Rabbi Daniel Raccah cRc Shemitta Newsletter vol 4 for web

Divrei Torah for Chanukah 5782

cRc Chanukah Divrei Torah 5782 Divrei Torah on Chanukah from: Harav Yona Reiss Rabi Dovid Flinkenstein Rabbi Micah Greenland Rabbi Wes Kalmar Rabbi Yisroel Langer Rabbi Dr. Joseph S. Ozarowksi Rabbi Dovid Tiechtel

Eight Yahrtzeit of Rabbi Moish Kushner z”l, 8th of Marcheshvan, this Wednesday night, October 13, 2021

As we are about to commemorate the 8th yahrtzeit of Rabbi Moish Kushner z”l, I want to share a brief reflection about an eved Hashem, friend and role model who was taken from us far too soon. Moish was an oheiv Yisrael, and was one of the first to welcome me into the cRc upon my arrival. He…

Protected: Tribute to Harav Gedalia Dov Schwartz ZT”L

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In Memory of Rav Gedalia Dov Schwartz

This post is dedicated in loving memory of Rav Gedlaia Dov Schwartz ZT”L