cRc Beth Din

Videos from Rabbi Raccah’s Chizuk Visits to Israel at War 2023

In November and December 2023, cRc Dayan, Rabbi Raccah visited Israel on Chizuk Missions. His visits included the IDF troops, ZAKA and the Border Guard. He went to Tekuma and  October 7th Massacre sites such as Kibbutz Bieri, Aza, and the Nova festival site . He went to the National Center for Forensics, to families…

cRc Rabbi Abrahams Chizuk Mission to Israel – November 2023

Rabbi Abramson Chizuk Mission in Israel – Day 1 Even before take-off the trip was filled with chizUk and unity. After davening maariv at Logan Airport with about 20 men a secular Israeli woman approached me and requested a prayer for her brother who is on the front lines. Instead of saying just one prayer I…

cRc – Divrei Chizuk – Mar Cheshvan 5784

Divrei Chizuk – Mar Cheshvan 5784