cRc Beth Din

Chicago Rabbinical Currents

Volume 1 | Issue 5  Tammuz 5784 Conversion for the Sake of Marriage – By Rabbi Aaron Kraft Making the Cut – A Peek Inside the Shechitah Process – By Rabbi Dovid Cohen Volume 1 | Issue 4  Sivan 5784 The Halakhic Prenuptial Agreement – By Rav Yona Reiss Fats and Oils – By Rabbi Dovid Cohen…

Shemittah Newsletter #13

Issue #13 includes: Shemittah Esrogim for Sukkos – by Rabbi Yona Reiss Shemittas Kesafim – by Rabbi Dovid Cohen  

New Sefer by Rabbi Dovid Cohen  – Kashering

Mazal Tov to Rabbi Cohen on the publication of his new sefer Kashering. Rabbi Reiss and Rabbi Raccah went through the sefer chapter by chapter for more than 2 years, and their rulings on more than 150 issues can be found after (almost) every chapter. The sefer is a systematic analysis of Shulchan Aruch OC…

Shemittah Newsletter #12

Issue #12 includes Otzar Beis Din – By Rabbi Dovid Cohen Rav Ovadia Yosef’s Heter Mechira Responsum Part 3 – by Rabbi Daniel J. Raccah. cRc Shemittah Newsletter vol 12

Shemittah Newsletter #10

Issue #10 included Kedushas Shevi’is, Hefker, and Biur by Rabbi Dovid Cohen Supporting the Farmers by Rabbi Yisroel Langer cRc Shemitta Newsletter volume #10

Shemittah Newsletter #8

Issue #8 includes: Heter Mechirah by Rabbi Dovid Cohen Rav Ovadia Yosef’s Heter Mechirah Responsum: Part 2 by Rabbi Daniel J. Raccah cRc Shemittah Newsletter vol 8 for web

Sapprim #33

Click HERE to enjoy the latest issue of Sappirim by Rabbi Dovid Cohen. The entire series can be found at

cRc Shemittah Newsletter #7

Issue #7 includes: Three Leniencies of Chazon Ish by Rabbi Dovid Cohen Mishloach Manos with Kedushas Shevi’is Products by Rabbi Aaron Kraft cRc Shemittah Newsletter vol 7 for web

cRc Shemittah Newsletter #5

Issue #5 includes Principles and Practices of Shemittas Kesafim and Pruzbul – By HaRav Yona Reiss Melachos D’rabannan – By Rabbi Dovid Cohen     cRc Shemitta Newsletter vol 5 for web  

cRc Shemittah Series 5782

We are proud to announce a new monthly Shemittah Newsletter Each issue will feature a column from Rabbi Dovid Cohen, cRc Administrative Rabbinic Coordinator, and author of Shemittah, as part of his Kashrus Halacha series, as well as a column from one of the cRc Dayanim. Here are the links to the cRc Shemittah newsletters included…