Inyanei Bein HaMetzarim TODAY Thursday, June 24 2 pm CT Join Zoom Meeting Click HERE or go to Meeting ID: 848 6270 3414 Passcode: 263341 Updated: Click HERE to hear the recording Inyanei Bein HaMetzarim
The Chicago Police Department 24th District PLACE OF WORSHIP SAFETY ADVISORY TEAM (POWSAT) is available to consult on safety recommendations, and assistance in forming and training your shul security team. CPD Places of Worship Safety Advisory Program For more information, see the attached, and contact Officer Roger Heath # 15011 [email protected] 1 312-384-0189 Officer Michael Specht…
The cRc is proud to be a co-sponsor of the ADL’s National Day of Action Against Antisemitism Virtual Rally May 27th at 3pm CDT For more information, please see Recording of last Sunday’s Communities Coming Together Program The cRc co-sponsored the program at Or Torah. Click HERE for the recording of ABC7’s coverage of the event….
Click HERE for the cRc Divrei Torah for Shavuot booklet that will be distributed to local Chicago shuls. Click HERE to access last year’s recordings of pre-Shavuos shiurim.
cRc ZOOM Program – The Role & Relevance of the Contemporary Beth Din: During Both Normal and Challenging Times Thursday, February 11, 2021 Upcoming community ZOOM-program regarding the Beth Din The Role & Relevance of the Contemporary Beth Din: During Both Normal and Challenging Times With Rabbi Yona Reiss, Av Beth Din, and Mr. Stephen…
cRc’s updated COVID Guidelines Thursday, February 11, 2021 The cRc’s COVID Guideline Committee met on February 8th, כ״ו שבט, to consider updates to policy guidelines for the community. Vaccination against COVID offers renewed hope of an eventual end to this pandemic. We encourage all members of our community to get vaccinated as soon as possible,…
The Role & Relevance of the Contemporary Beth Din: During Both Normal and Challenging Times Click HERE for the recording of the presentation. We thank Rabbi Reiss and Mr. Landes for their presentations, and Rabbi Engel for coordinating the program.
MAOT CHITIM Tuesday, January 12, 2021 MAOT CHITIM OF GREATER CHICAGO Is once again gearing up to provide for Pesach needs . Rabbis are invited to confidentially refer Families and individuals that in need of assistance By visiting
GENTLE AND UNBENDING – Remembering Rav Gedalia Dov Schwartz zt”l Friday, January 8, 2021 When putting pen to paper, I am challenged to properly express the greatness of Rav Gedalia Dov Schwartz, longtime rosh beis din at the Chicago Rabbinical Council (the cRc, where I am kashrus administrator) as well as at the Beth Din…
Prior to last year, the cRc had recommended certain readily available fencing material (commonly sold in Home Depot) to be used for schach and provided detailed instructions on how to place them on the sukkah. However, based on feedback from consumers on the sturdiness of those materials and how they were being used, we have…