cRc Beth Din

cRc Chanukah Staff Luncheon 5784

Rav Yona Reiss Chanukah D’var Torah:   Pictures from the Chanukah Staff Luncheon:  

Divrei Torah for Chanukah 5784

cRc Chanukah Divrei Torah 5784 Articles include: Lighting the Fire  – Rabbi Yona Reiss Pirsumei Nisa  – Rabbi Micah Greenland Chanukah and Jewish Survival  – Rabbi Netanel Isaacs Ner Chanukah and Shalom  – Rabbi Chaim Twerski  

cRc Rabbi Abrahams Chizuk Mission to Israel – November 2023

Rabbi Abramson Chizuk Mission in Israel – Day 1 Even before take-off the trip was filled with chizUk and unity. After davening maariv at Logan Airport with about 20 men a secular Israeli woman approached me and requested a prayer for her brother who is on the front lines. Instead of saying just one prayer I…

In Memory of Harav Gedalia Dov Schwartz ZT”L

HaRav Gedalia Dov Schwartz zt”l Wednesday night, December 6 Adas Yeshurun 8:15 Maariv; Shiur 8:30   Click HERE for the recording of theThird Yahrtzeit Shiur

Chicago Rabbinical Currents

Volume 1 | Issue 6  Elul 5784 Childcare in Halacha – By Rabbi Yisroel Langer Kosher Beer – By Rabbi Akiva Niehaus Volume 1 | Issue 5  Tammuz 5784 Conversion for the Sake of Marriage – By Rabbi Aaron Kraft Making the Cut – A Peek Inside the Shechitah Process – By Rabbi Dovid Cohen Volume 1…

Rabbi Yona Reiss at Yarchei Kallah – Mikor Hachaim

  Listen to Rav Yona Reiss’s shiur here:

Rabbi Reiss Av Beth Din speaks to Students at Northwestern University Chabad.

  Rabbi Reiss spoke to students at Sinai Scholars of Chabad of Northwestern University.

Cheder Lubavitch visits the cRc

     Rabbi Reiss and Rabbi Moscowitz spoke to the 5th Grade boys from Cheder Lubavitch.    

cRc Sukkos Divrei Torah 5784

  Divrei Torah for Sukkos 5784

cRc Pre-Succos Membership Meeting Sept 26, 2023

Audio Recording of Members Meeting: Hilchos Succos Part 1 By Rav Yona Reiss   Hilchos Succos Part 2 by Rav Yona Reiss   סוכות תשפד-מראה-מקומות