cRc Beth Din

The Halachic Will

The Halachic Will


According to most halachic authorities, secular wills are considered unenforceable according to halacha, and often lack compliance with certain halachic requirements relating to the nature of final bequests.  To remedy these problems, a person who wants to devise a will should also execute a halachic will document, which will enable the enforcement of the secular will according to halacha, including additional necessary provisions.  The following forms on our site, including explanatory materials, are intended to accomplish this purpose:

  1. The Halachic Will Addendum (“the Halachic Will”), which is a form signed by a testator to halachically justify and ensure the division of his or her estate in accordance with his or her wishes as documented in a secular Last Will and Testament. The addendum should be signed and handed over to another Jewish individual (can be a rabbi or Jewish estate attorney) and kept with the testamentary documents.
  2. An annotated version of the Halachic Will, with further explanation of the theory behind this document and the halachic mechanisms that it employs.
  3. An optional clause that can be added to the Halachic Will by a married woman.
  4. A detailed article regarding the background, history, and purpose of the Halachic Will.
