cRc Beth Din Shabbos In Skokie Parashat Mishpatim January 28-29th, 2022. For more information, please email [email protected]. A community-wide Oneg at 8:00 pm Personal Reflections from Life in the Beth Din At the home of Dr. Yigal and Mrs. Donna Yahav (8630 Keeler Avenue) Congregation Or Torah Prohibition to Litigate in Secular Court: When and Why Drasha…
Rabbi Reiss joins in opposing the proposed Israeli conversion reforms Over 100 Rabbis sign against the conversion outline. See link below.פרסום-ראשון-מעל-מאה-רבנים-נגד-מתווה-הגי/
Click HERE for the link to Rabbi Reiss’ shiur on Contemporary Issues in Food Hashgacha Please see Attached Source Sheet
The cRc sent the attached letter to The Illinois Investment Policy Board thanking them for their action against Unilever, due to its recent boycott of Israel. IIPB Letter
Issue #5 includes Principles and Practices of Shemittas Kesafim and Pruzbul – By HaRav Yona Reiss Melachos D’rabannan – By Rabbi Dovid Cohen cRc Shemitta Newsletter vol 5 for web
JUF Sympathy Note – Rav Schwartz 2020
Shgemittah Newsletter #4 This issue includes: Melachos D’oraisah by Rabbi Dovid Cohen Rav Ovadia Yosef’s Heter Mechira Esponsum: Part 1 by Rabbi Daniel Raccah cRc Shemitta Newsletter vol 4 for web
We are proud to announce a new monthly Shemittah Newsletter Each issue will feature a column from Rabbi Dovid Cohen, cRc Administrative Rabbinic Coordinator, and author of Shemittah, as part of his Kashrus Halacha series, as well as a column from one of the cRc Dayanim. Here are the links to the cRc Shemittah newsletters included…
cRc Chanukah Divrei Torah 5782 Divrei Torah on Chanukah from: Harav Yona Reiss Rabi Dovid Flinkenstein Rabbi Micah Greenland Rabbi Wes Kalmar Rabbi Yisroel Langer Rabbi Dr. Joseph S. Ozarowksi Rabbi Dovid Tiechtel