cRc Beth Din

Monday, Nov 13 – We’re heading to the national March for Israel!

Join us on the Chicago Bus to Washington DC! Leaving at 7pm Monday night from Cong. Or Torah in Skokie Arriving back in Chicago Wednesday morning The cost for the bus is $150 per person Snacks & food are being graciously provided through the United Bikur Cholim Kitchen Register for a seat on the…

cRc – Divrei Chizuk – Mar Cheshvan 5784

Divrei Chizuk – Mar Cheshvan 5784

Rabbi Reiss Av Beth Din speaks to Students at Northwestern University Chabad.

  Rabbi Reiss spoke to students at Sinai Scholars of Chabad of Northwestern University.

Cheder Lubavitch visits the cRc

     Rabbi Reiss and Rabbi Moscowitz spoke to the 5th Grade boys from Cheder Lubavitch.    

cRc Sukkos Divrei Torah 5784

  Divrei Torah for Sukkos 5784

cRc Pre-Succos Membership Meeting Sept 26, 2023

Audio Recording of Members Meeting: Hilchos Succos Part 1 By Rav Yona Reiss   Hilchos Succos Part 2 by Rav Yona Reiss   סוכות תשפד-מראה-מקומות          

Community Shabbas Shuva Drasha 5784

Community Shabbas Shuva Drasha By HaRav Yona Reiss This Shabbos, September 23, Parshas Ha’azinu 5:15 pm at K.I.N.S. Main THE MITZVAH OF TOSEFET YOM HAKIPPURIM: HOW SHOULD WE ADD TO THE YOM KIPPUR EXPERIENCE?  Click here for Source Sheet.

cRc Pre Rosh Hashana Membership Meeting Sept 11, 2023

Audio Recording of Members Meeting: ראש-השנה-שחל-להיות-בשבת-מראה-מקומות

Chadashot – The Year In Review – 5783/2023

                Download here