cRc Beth Din

Shloshim Siyum in Memory of Rav Schwartz

Click HERE for the recording from the Shloshim Siyum at Congregation Adas Yeshurun in memory of Rav Schwartz zt”l. Their compilation of Memories and Hespedim of the Av Bais Din zt”l is attached.

cRc on Schach – Elul 5779 / 2018

Prior to last year, the cRc had recommended certain readily available fencing material (commonly sold in Home Depot) to be used for schach and provided detailed instructions on how to place them on the sukkah. However, based on feedback from consumers on the sturdiness of those materials and how they were being used, we have…

cRc Statement Regarding Hadassim 5779 / 2018

B”H Elul, 5779 To the Greater Chicago Jewish Community , שיחיו Hadassim are an integral part of the Arba Minim. Among the Torah requirements for Hadassim is that they be “Meshulash,” that the leaves grow in sets of three leaves in line with each other, for the length of the Hadas, i.e. 3 Tefachim (approximately…

Divorcing Couples: How to Help Navigate the Civil & Halachic Divorce Processes

Recording of Rabbi Reiss at Nefesh Event Click HERE for the recording.

The Role & Relevance of the Contemporary Beth Din: During Both Normal and Challenging Times

With Rabbi Yona Reiss, Av Beth Din, and Mr. Stephen Landes, Of Counsel, Locke Lord LLP Monday, February 7  10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Zoom Meeting ID: 936 1722 5410 Passcode: 146977