cRc Beth Din

cRc Torah Achievement Award – 2023

cRc Torah Achievement Award Mazal Tov to this years’ winners of the cRc Torah Achievement Award. The award is given to a senior in each high school who will be studying in Israel during the 5784 school year and displays dedication to Torah and to the maintenance of high Middot standards. Ilan Blumenthal – Ida…

Harav Yona Reiss Shiur – Drinking On Purim

Listen to Drinking on Purim Shiur by Rabbi Yona Reiss on Here.   Marei Mekomos: שכרות בפוריםבפורים – Rabbi Reiss (cRc Membership Shiur) 2.20.23    

Shemittah in Chadashot:2021/5782 in Review

Chadashot 5781 year-in-review – Shemittah Section.  

Divrei Torah for Shavuot 5782

cRc Shavuot Divrei Torah 5782 for web  

Shemittah Newsletter #9

Issue #9 includes: Shemittah Wine by Rabbi Yona Reiss Kedushas Shevi’is – An Overview by Rabbi Dovid Cohen  

2022 Chametz Sale

Chametz Sale Form Rabbi Reiss will be conducting theמכירה  this year on  Thursday, April14  at 10:30 AM (CDT) For those who are going away for Pesach and want to conduct an early sale  For those who are going away for Pesach and want to conduct an early sale  to avoid being obligated in a full Bedikah of their homes ~ …

Tehillim for Ukraine

Please join Jewish communities around the world in davening for peace and safety for Ukraine. Attached are Tehillim that you can print and use after davening in your shuls tonight and tomorrow, Yom Kippur Katan.   Rabbi Reiss offered the following message: לא ישא גוי אל גוי חרב ולא ילמדו עוד מלחמה (ישעיהו ב:ד) Whenever…

Shloshim Siyum in Memory of Rav Schwartz

Click HERE for the recording from the Shloshim Siyum at Congregation Adas Yeshurun in memory of Rav Schwartz zt”l. Their compilation of Memories and Hespedim of the Av Bais Din zt”l is attached.