cRc Beth Din

Shemittah Newsletter #8

Issue #8 includes: Heter Mechirah by Rabbi Dovid Cohen Rav Ovadia Yosef’s Heter Mechirah Responsum: Part 2 by Rabbi Daniel J. Raccah cRc Shemittah Newsletter vol 8 for web

Purim 5782

cRc Divrei Torah for Purim 5782

Sapprim #33

Click HERE to enjoy the latest issue of Sappirim by Rabbi Dovid Cohen. The entire series can be found at

cRc Shemittah Newsletter #7

Issue #7 includes: Three Leniencies of Chazon Ish by Rabbi Dovid Cohen Mishloach Manos with Kedushas Shevi’is Products by Rabbi Aaron Kraft cRc Shemittah Newsletter vol 7 for web

Rabbi Reiss at Halichot Am Yisroel Conference

Click HERE to listen to Rabbi Reiss’ shiur from February 4 at the Halichot Am Yisroel Conference.   ל Rabbi Reiss spoke to the talmidim at Gush. Please see the links below for two articles by Rabbi Reiss published by Halichot Am Yisroel. Articles: הרב יונה ריס – שערי צדק כא הרב יונה ריס –…

cRc Shemitta Newsletter #6

Issue #6 includes: Sefichin, a Shemittah Leap Year, and Support by Rabbi Dovid Cohen Flowers in Shemittah by Rabbi Yisroel Langer cRc Shemitta Newsletter vol 6  

cRc Shemittah Newsletter #5

Issue #5 includes Principles and Practices of Shemittas Kesafim and Pruzbul – By HaRav Yona Reiss Melachos D’rabannan – By Rabbi Dovid Cohen     cRc Shemitta Newsletter vol 5 for web  

cRc Shemittah Newsletter #4

Shgemittah Newsletter #4 This issue includes: Melachos D’oraisah by Rabbi Dovid Cohen Rav Ovadia Yosef’s Heter Mechira Esponsum: Part 1 by Rabbi Daniel Raccah cRc Shemitta Newsletter vol 4 for web

Eating in the Rain – Guidelines for Contending with Rainfall on the First and Second Nights of Sukkot 5782

Eating in the Rain – Guidelines for Contending with Rainfall on the First and Second Nights of Sukkot 5782 By Rav Yona Reiss, Av Beis Din, cRc Generally, there is no obligation to eat in the Sukkah when it rains to the degree that the soup would get ruined. This is based on the exemption…