cRc Beth Din

2022 Chametz Sale

Chametz Sale Form Rabbi Reiss will be conducting theמכירה  this year on  Thursday, April14  at 10:30 AM (CDT) For those who are going away for Pesach and want to conduct an early sale  For those who are going away for Pesach and want to conduct an early sale  to avoid being obligated in a full Bedikah of their homes ~ …

Purim 5782

cRc Divrei Torah for Purim 5782

Tehillim for Ukraine

Please join Jewish communities around the world in davening for peace and safety for Ukraine. Attached are Tehillim that you can print and use after davening in your shuls tonight and tomorrow, Yom Kippur Katan.   Rabbi Reiss offered the following message: לא ישא גוי אל גוי חרב ולא ילמדו עוד מלחמה (ישעיהו ב:ד) Whenever…

Sapprim #33

Click HERE to enjoy the latest issue of Sappirim by Rabbi Dovid Cohen. The entire series can be found at

Pesach Guide 2022

Click HERE to see a proof of the upcoming Pesach Guide. The final version may have some changes.

cRc Shemittah Newsletter #7

Issue #7 includes: Three Leniencies of Chazon Ish by Rabbi Dovid Cohen Mishloach Manos with Kedushas Shevi’is Products by Rabbi Aaron Kraft cRc Shemittah Newsletter vol 7 for web

Rabbi Reiss at Halichot Am Yisroel Conference

Click HERE to listen to Rabbi Reiss’ shiur from February 4 at the Halichot Am Yisroel Conference.   ל Rabbi Reiss spoke to the talmidim at Gush. Please see the links below for two articles by Rabbi Reiss published by Halichot Am Yisroel. Articles: הרב יונה ריס – שערי צדק כא הרב יונה ריס –…

cRc Shemitta Newsletter #6

Issue #6 includes: Sefichin, a Shemittah Leap Year, and Support by Rabbi Dovid Cohen Flowers in Shemittah by Rabbi Yisroel Langer cRc Shemitta Newsletter vol 6  

Skokie Shabbos

  cRc Beth Din Shabbos In Skokie Parashat Mishpatim January 28-29th, 2022. For more information, please email [email protected]. A community-wide Oneg at 8:00 pm Personal Reflections from Life in the Beth Din At the home of Dr. Yigal and Mrs. Donna Yahav (8630 Keeler Avenue) Congregation Or Torah Prohibition to Litigate in Secular Court: When and Why Drasha…

Rabbi Reiss joins in opposing the proposed Israeli conversion reforms  

Rabbi Reiss joins in opposing the proposed Israeli conversion reforms   Over 100 Rabbis sign against the conversion outline. See link below.פרסום-ראשון-מעל-מאה-רבנים-נגד-מתווה-הגי/