cRc Beth Din

Shemittah Newsletter #12

Issue #12 includes Otzar Beis Din – By Rabbi Dovid Cohen Rav Ovadia Yosef’s Heter Mechira Responsum Part 3 – by Rabbi Daniel J. Raccah. cRc Shemittah Newsletter vol 12

Pruzbul 5782 information for Rabbis

The cRc website presents 2 ways to execute a Pruzbul with the cRc Beth Din. (a) Bifnei Beth Din using Form A in either Hebrew  or  English, which can be done by participating in one of the community signings. While it is preferable to employ a בית דין חשוב such as the established cRc Beth Din,…

Pruzbul 5782 for the Community

Click here for the cRc Pruzbul Information Page Schedule of Pruzbul Signings:   Sunday September 18th                  Time: 9:30am – 11:00am       Congregation Or Torah Sunday September 18th                  Time: 5:00pm (Mincha 6:45)  Congregation Bais Chaim Dovid Sunday September. 25th  ה”ערב ר …

Rabbi Reiss on Chalitza  

Rabbi Reiss on Chalitza at KCT – July 2022 Click HERE for a recording of Rabbi Reiss’ shiur on Chalitza at Bais Yitzchok given on Monday June 27th, 2022.

Congratulations to the Winners of The Rebbetzin Shoshana Schwartz, ע”ה, Torah Essay Contest

The cRc wishes Mazal Tov to this year’s winners of the Rebbetzin Shoshana Schwartz, a”h, Torah Essay Contest: Donny Friedman (Fasman Yeshiva High School), winner of the Maintaining Halacha Through the Pandemic category (Read The Essay), and Amitai Kakon (Ida Crown Jewish Academy), winner of the TaNaCH category (Read the Essay). Mazal Tov also to:…

cRc Vegetable-Inspection Training Seminars

An introduction to Checking Fruits and Vegetables by Rabbi Langer (Download) Fruit and Vegetable Policy overview (Download) Fruit and Vegetable Policy (Download)

Epstein Hebrew Academy Students meet with Rabbi Reiss Shlitah.

Students from Epstein Hebrew Academy in St. Louis met with Rabbi Reiss in the Beth Din on Memorial Day 2022.

Shemittah in Chadashot:2021/5782 in Review

Chadashot 5781 year-in-review – Shemittah Section.  

Divrei Torah for Shavuot 5782

cRc Shavuos Divrei Torah 5782 for web